Seafarers refers to the staff working on board ships, they are referred to as seamen too, their positions onboard vary as per their education and experience, they must have proper qualification and permissions to qualify for the required position in compliance to STCW
Positions of Seafarers onboard:
- A ship can have all positions or only some of them according to its operational needs which is usually specified in MSMC
- Deck dept.
- Master
- Chief officer
- Second officer: almost called deck officer
- Third officer: almost called deck officer
- Cadet: (A fresh graduate from navigation college working as trainee)
- Able seaman: an experienced seaman
- Ordinary seaman
- Bosun or boatswain: his duties include supervising the deck sailors to see whether they are performing their jobs efficiently. In some cases, and in some ships
- Radio operator: if any two deck officers possess GMDSS operator cert then radio operator is not required
- Engine dept.
- Chief engineer
- First engineer: most of time first engineer works as second engineer
- Second engineer
- Third engineer
- Fourth engineer
- Electric engineer
- Electrician
- Motor man
- Oiler
- Deck dept.
- Level category
- Management level: includes Master, Chief officer and Chief engineer
- Operation level: includes all other officer
- Rates: include AB, ordinary seaman, oiler, electrician, motor man
Seafarers are upgrading from rank to rank according to their service experience as per the following
- Master:
- Sea service as chief mate for 12 months plus 12 months as deck officer OR
- 36 months as deck officer
- Training courses as per STCW
- Masters get upgrading to the same size of the ship they certified for
- For vessels below 500 GRT, only 12 months of sea service is required
- Chief officer:
- 12 months’ sea service
- STCW courses as management level
- Other deck officers:
- 12 months’ sea service as deck office of lower rank or same rank as part of approved training program under approved training center or
- 36 months’ sea service as deck office of lower rank or same rank
- STCW course
- Ratings:
- Sea service as navigational watch for 6 months
- Rating forming part of navigation watch course
- Able seaman:
- 18 months’ sea service in deck dept.
- Chief engineer:
- For vessels more than 3000 KW engine: 36 months’ sea service as engineer officer
- For vessels between 750 KW and 3000 KW: 24 months’ sea service
- STCW courses
- Second Engineer:
- 12 months’ sea service
- STCW courses
- Other engine officers:
- 30 months’ sea service
- STCW courses
- Electrical engineers:
- 36 months’ sea service in a combined workshop skills training, 30 months of them as engine officer
- Engine ratings:
- 6 months’ sea service
- STCW courses
- Able seaman in Engine dept.:
- 12 months’ sea service or
- 6 months training program
- Electrician:
- 12 months’ sea service or
- 6 months training program
After a seafarer obtain the above mentioned courses and sea service required, he then apply for the authority to get the following licenses
- Certificate of competency (COC): specifies the positions and duties onboard
- GMDSS operator license: GOC
- Seaman book
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